Spostamento lezione Sist Emb di Rete 2 aprile 2019

Spostamento lezione Sist Emb di Rete 2 aprile 2019

La prima ora di lezione di Sistemi Embedded di Rete del 2 aprile 2019 alle 16:30 si terrà in Aula Verde per poter assistere al seminario del Prof. Collins i cui contenuti riguardano la verifica di sistemi complessi e quindi sono programma del corso.
Title: The Rigorous Numerical Kernel of Ariadne
Speaker: Pieter Collins
Università di Maastricht

In this talk, I will describe the mathematical foundations and the computational kernel of the Ariadne model-checking tool. The computational kernel includes generic interfaces for numbers, functions and sets, and various concrete implementations of these. It includes support for important basic mathematical operations, including interval arithmetic, matrix algebra, automatic differentiation, Taylor polynomial and Fourier function calculi, and geometric operations based on pavings and constraints. These in turn are used for more complicated operations, such as the solution of algebraic and differential equations, and of constraint satisfaction and optimisation problems. The kernal is based on the theory of computable analysis, which provides a clear conceptual framework and semantics of allowable operation. Throught the talk, I will give examples of the use of the tool to rigorously solve simple problems from the mathematical sciences.
Data pubblicazione
lunedì 1 aprile 2019 - 12.07.45
Spostamento lezione Sist Emb di Rete 2 aprile 2019
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Davide Quaglia
Sistemi embedded di rete (2018/2019)
Sistemi embedded di rete (2017/2018)
Sistemi embedded di rete (2019/2020)