Outcome written test in Optimization (1 Feb 2018)

Outcome written test in Optimization (1 Feb 2018)

Si comunica l'esito della prova in oggetto. We communicate the outcome of the test.

VR408567: mark 30
VR408292: mark 26
VR413393: mark 23
VR400307: mark 20

Accordingly, the schedule for the oral part will be

VR412605, VR408567 2 Feb 2018 at 14,30 in Room M
VR408292, VR400307 5 Feb 2018 at 9,30 in Office dr Marigonda Ca' Vignal 2, n. 2.24
VR413393 6 Feb 2018 at 10,00 in Office dr Marigonda Ca' Vignal 2, n. 2.24

ANY request of variation of the above scheduled should be sent to dr Marigonda BEFORE 2 FEB h 12.
In any case, we cannot grant to fulfil the desired change requests.
Data pubblicazione
giovedì 1 febbraio 2018 - 19.15.58
Outcome written test in Optimization (1 Feb 2018)
Pubblicato da
Antonio Marigonda
Optimization (2017/2018)