First lecture: Advanced Architectures - Architectures and systems for biological data processing

First lecture: Advanced Architectures - Architectures and systems for biological data processing

Si avvisano gli studenti che le lezioni in oggetto avranno inizio il giorno:
venerdì 3 Marzo ore 10.30 in aula I
(giovedì 2 Marzo non ci sarà laboratorio)
The first lecture as in object will take place:
Friday March the 3rd, 10.30am aula I
(there will not be any lab session on Thursday March the 2nd)
Publication date
Monday, February 27, 2017 - 10:43:38 AM
Last Modified
Monday, February 27, 2017- 10:49:24 AM
First lecture: Advanced Architectures - Architectures and systems for biological data processing
Published by
Nicola Bombieri
Advanced computer architecture (2016/2017)
Architectures and systems for biological data processing (2016/2017)