

Who we are

Founded in 2001, the Department of Computer Science at University of Verona promotes and supports a large number of activities in academic research and teaching, from mathematics and computer science to computer engineering and physics.
The Department has approximately 200 professors, research assistants, PhD students, postdoctoral students, administrative staff and technical staff.
It has nine active research areas:

The Department offers four Bachelor’s degrees (Computer science, Applied Mathematics, Bioinformatics and in Human Centered Medical System Engineering), five Master’s degrees (Computer Engineering, Mathematics, Medical Bioinformatics, Data Science and Computer Engineering for Robotics and Smart Industry  – the latter two being taught in English) and three further postgraduate programmes (Master I in Computer Game Development, PhD in Computer Science and PhD in Mathematics).


The Department of Computer Science’s mission has always been to pursue excellence in academic research in the areas of expertise of its staff, and to offer its students avant-garde courses to keep up with the demands of an ever-changing market.
This is demonstrated by its many academic publications (2000 international publications from 2009-2015), participation in projects financed by national and international entities (26 projects, €7.7 million) and industry collaborations through applied research with a strong focus on technology (7 spin-off initiatives and new companies, 10 patents and 253 projects amounting to €4.8 million).

Department Vision

The aims of the Computer Science Department concerning teaching, research, and third stream/public engagement activities follow those encompassed in the vision of quality assurance of the University of Verona, approved by its governing bodies. The quality vision for teaching and research, as well as the third mission/social impact of the department, is closely aligned with the university's quality vision as approved by the governing bodies. This vision is outlined in the document "Quality Vision and Policies for Quality Assurance in Teaching, Research, Third Mission, and Institutional and Managerial Activities," and in the "University Strategic Plan 2023-2025," which sets specific strategic goals to achieve the defined quality.

In research, the DI addresses challenges in environmental sustainability and digital transition through an interdisciplinary approach involving Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics. It is developing various research lines under European and national projects to integrate foundational and application-oriented skills. The DI aims to develop and support research lines that can consolidate and expand project activities within research funding programs (such as ERC, FIS, PRIN), while promoting balanced department development through recruitment actions.

Regarding teaching, the DI is committed to high-level education for young generations, continually updating its offerings to enhance attractiveness and accessibility. It integrates traditional disciplines with emerging fields such as Artificial Intelligence and Data Science to ensure solid preparation for the job market. Recognizing high dropout rates in STEM fields, the DI invests in orientation and support activities to improve student access and preparation, including school interventions and departmental meetings. The DI also promotes innovative educational projects and tutoring services to ensure equal study opportunities and a welcoming culture for all students. Additionally, it invests in teacher training to enhance their pedagogical skills and encourage innovative teaching methods.

Regarding its third mission, the DI aims to be a reference point for civil society and the business sector by promoting innovation and scientific, technological, and cultural transfer. The DI values relationships with the economic and social fabric, particularly with companies, industries, and schools. Through the Computer Science Park, it is actively involved in technological transfer to SMEs, creating spin-offs, and addressing local and national business needs. Additionally, the department promotes public engagement through the Museum of Computer Science to raise awareness and attract new students and SMEs. In the coming years, the DI plans to strengthen its ties with the economic and social fabric by further investing in the growth of both the Computer Science Park and the Museum of Computer Science.



Department by the numbers

Pubblicazioni del Dipartimento, suddivise per aree di ricerca.
Anno di riferimento: 2023.


Department facilities
