import*; /** * Description: The class include basically three Matching Algoritms (Brute * Force, Boyer-Moore, and Knuth-Morris-Pratt) over text and pattern strings * given by the user as an input. The method "main" prints the number returned * by one of the matching algorithms (that is the position in the text where * the pattern occurs, if any, and -1 otherwise) and tests that the algorithms * produce the same result. * * @author Giuditta Franco */ public class TestMatching { public TestMatching() { } public static void main(String[] args) { BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; String x = null, y = null; try { System.out.print("Inserire stringa del testo: "); x = input.readLine(); System.out.print("Inserire stringa del pattern: "); y = input.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) {}; System.out.println("String X: " + x); System.out.println("String Y: " + y); System.out.println("Il pattern occorre nel testo alla posizione: " + BMmatch(x, y) ); int i = BMmatch(x, y); int j = KMPmatch(x, y); int k = BruteForce(x, y); if (i==j && j==k){ System.out.println("I tre algoritmi danno lo stesso risultato"); } else System.out.println("I tre algoritmi danno un risultato diverso!"); } public static int BMmatch (String text, String pattern) { int[] last = buildLastFunction(pattern); int n = text.length(); int m= pattern.length(); int i = m-1; if (i>n-1) return -1; // nessuna corrispondenza se il pattern e' piu' lungo del testo int j = m-1; do { if(pattern.charAt(j)==text.charAt(i)) if(j==0) return i; //corrispondenza else {// l'euristica procede da destra verso sinistra i--; j--; } else { //l'euristica "salta-caratteri" i=i+m-Math.min(j, 1+last[text.charAt(i)]); j=m-1; } } while (i<=n-1); return -1; //nessuna corrispondenza } public static int[] buildLastFunction (String pattern) { int[] last = new int[128]; // si inizializza con tutti i caratteri ASCII for (int i=0; i<128; i++) { last[i]= -1; //inizializzazione dell'array } for (int i=0; i < pattern.length(); i++){ last[pattern.charAt(i)] = i; //un cast implicito per il codice ASCII intero } return last; } public static int KMPmatch (String text, String pattern) { int n = text.length(); int m = pattern.length(); int[] fail = computeFailFunction(pattern); int i=0; int j = 0; while (i0) j = fail[j-1]; else i++; } return -1; // nessun abbinamento } public static int[] computeFailFunction (String pattern) { int [] fail = new int[pattern.length()]; fail[0]=0; int m = pattern.length(); int j = 0; int i = 1; while (i0) // j segue un prefisso corrispondente j = fail[j-1]; else { //nessuna corrispondenza fail[i]=0; i++; } } return fail; } public static int BruteForce (String text, String pattern) { int n = text.length(); int m = pattern.length(); for (int i=0; i <= n-m; i++) { int j=0; while (j