INFOMICS Laboratory
The InfOmics (Information Omics) lab is devoted to the computational analysis of omics data. Our research goes form genome to biological network analysis applied for the understanding of biological systems. We develop new methods by using graph theory, information theory, algorithmic approaches, and advanced data structure engineering.
ISLa Laboratory
The Intelligent System Lab (ISLa) focuses on methodological and applied research in artificial intelligence, machine learning and data analysis for intelligent systems. The methodologies include reinforcement learning, planning with uncertainty, multi-agent coordination, probabilistic modeling and statistical data analysis.
LAPS Laboratory (Laboratory for Photovoltaics and Solid State Physics)
The lab has is core business on the preparation, fabrication and characterization of second generation thin film solar cells. The laboratory is equipped with many different vacuum deposition machines, and electrical and morphological characterization instruments. The laboratory has also a new different area on the characterization on biological samples and nanostructures by atomic force microscopy. The laboratory is equipped with thin film deposition machines, such as: -RF sputtering system, fully automated -Vacuum co-evaporation system (4 sources) -Vacuum deposition system with two sources -Vacuum coating system (for metal contacting) -Chemical Bath Deposition System -Spin Coating system Characterization techniques available in the laboratory: Two Atomic Force Microscopy systems: - 1 for inorganic materials - 2 for organic materials (also available for scanning in liquid solution) Current-Voltage measurement system with solar simulator Capacitance Voltage measurement system with cryostat (also Drive level capacitance profiling measurement is available) 4 point probe sheet resistance measurement.
SPY ( Formal Methods) Laboratory
The SPY (Static Program analysis by Abstract Interpretation) lab is devoted to the design and development of automatic tools
based on formal methods and abstract interpretation theory for program analysis, automatic program certification, system testing,
and security analysis of software. We are particularly interested in the application of these techniques to aid in the compilation and
implementation of programming languages. The access to the lab is restricted to the students in Master and PhD thesis and to the
Faculty staff of the Department of Computer Science in Verona. The following is a list of topics which are studied in this Lab:
Semantics and abstract interpretation theory, Semantics based program analysis, Security analysis, Program and system certification,
Model checking and program verification, Programming environments, Domain specific languages and tools.
STARS (Semistructured Temporal clinical Geographical Systems)Laboratory
VIPS (Vision, Image Processing & Sound) Laboratory
Laboratorio IRIS
The IRIS Lab is dedicated to spectroscopy, microspectroscopy and imaging in the near and mid-infrared.
Laboratorio OPDATE
OpDATe Lab (Optical Devices and Advanced Techniques)