Risultati esami 12-13 luglio 2018

Risultati esami 12-13 luglio 2018

Publication date
Monday, July 23, 2018 - 7:43:53 AM
Risultati esami 12-13 luglio 2018
Published by
Lorenzo Migliorati
Identity and behaviours at risk in the complex society (2017/2018)
Sociology of Education (2017/2018)
Sociology of Education and Anthropology - SOCIOLOGIA DELL'EDUCAZIONE (2017/2018)
Sociology of knowledge and language (2017/2018)
Theories and techniques of the primary socialization [Cognomi A-L] (2017/2018)
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Primary School Education in Padua (interuniversity)(head campus: Verona)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Primary teacher education

